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We are flying into 2023 with our new 5 year GVC & annual CAA Operational Authorisation!

Back in January 2021, EASA (European Aviation Safety Agency) brought in a whole new set of regulations changes for the UK Drone industry, the biggest change that we've seen and on the same day that we officially transitioned out of the European Union, we adopted the regulations that have been in development for more than 5 years for a harmonised set of drone regulations for Europe and which are administered by the UK CAA (Civil Aviation Authority).

The UK’s drone rules based on the risk of the flight – where we fly, the proximity to other people, and the size and weight of our drones.

The EASA Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/947 (the rulings apply to UAS or Drone flights), divides the risk of Drone flights into categories, which are defined by the various risks associated with each Drone model, flight proximity to uninvolved people, property, buildings, structures and vehicles in the area of operation.

London Drone Works’ Operations often fall within the “Specific Category” of flight meaning that we as an operator and our pilots must qualify through courses and examination obtain qualification (PFCO/GVC) General Visual Line of Sight Certificate) from a certified RAE (Recognised Assessment Entity), have in place strict operational procedures within a robust auditable safety management system, annually audited by the CAA, be insured with public liability insurance and with all of this in place, apply to the CAA for an Annual “Operational Authorisation” to operate commercially.

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